Monday, June 8, 2015

ISR Lessons

For the past 4 weeks, Jackson has been taking ISR (Infant Swim Response) Lessons!  These swim lessons teach the kiddos what to do in a pool emergency!  We have gone Monday - Friday for a 10 minute one-on-one lesson each day!  Jackson has learned to swim (kick and move his arms) and roll over to the floating position!  It's been so amazing watching him learn what to do in the water!  We are so proud of you Jackson! :)

 Floating on his back with his teacher, Mrs. Bonnie!

 Working hard! 

He's had to wear all different kinds of outfits (jeans, pjs, winter clothes, swim clothes, etc.) to practice floating/swimming in different scenarios!

 Proud Mommy!

Tired little boy!! 

He did so good at every lesson!  We can't wait to keep practicing this summer and can't wait to play in the pool! :)