Monday, February 11, 2019

KBall & TBall Spring 2019 Season

Baseball Season has STARTED!!  Kyle is playing in the KBall League and Jackson is playing in the TBAll League this Spring, both for Montgomery Little League!!  Both boys are on the Astros Team (in their respective leagues)...which is super fun...and easy to plan what we all need to be wearing!! :)  Kent is coaching both teams and M.E. and I are their BIGGEST cheerleaders!! :)

We LOVE Baseball Season!!  Go Astros!! :)

End of January!

January, certainly, flew by!!  Here are some extra pictures to wrap up the month!!

 Jackson's new hobby...playing "American Ninja Warrior!" 

Montgomery loving her new, bath robe!

Science Week at SSH...

Montgomery was "La Estrella de la Semana" at SSH!!

Our 3 year old, Kyle, decided he wanted his training wheels off...
and is already a master at the bike!!  He's amazing!! :)

Casino Night with our dear, sweet friends!!

On to we come!! :)