Thursday, January 24, 2019

Wine Tasting Party/Girl's Night In!!

Last weekend, I hosted a Wine Tasting Party for my friend Erica, who is now, selling Scout & Cellar Wines.  I was excited to try these new, "clean-crafted" wines, but more than that, I was excited to get all of my girls together and catch up after the holidays!

We ate some delicious food and tasted some yummy wines...all in all, a GREAT night!! :)

 The food spread and the wines that we tasted!

My sweet, sweet, precious girl friends!! :)

Peek-a-boo!!  Sweet Montgomery stayed at the party with me! :)

She ate sweets...

...and fed them to Yogi too!!  Haha!!

While the girl's were at the house, Kent took Jackson and Kyle to College Station for the night!

Jackson & Kyle at Chuck-E-Cheese

 Camping Out in the Townhouse

Snuggles with Daddy!!

Such a great night!!  Fun times with sweet friends and sweet memories for the boys and Kent! :)

Trip to Scottsdale, AZ

Kent and I were able to sneak in a little trip to Scottsdale, AZ this month!  Our dear friend, Aaron Kluth, has been asking Kent to come with him to the Barrett-Jackson Car Auction for years, so we were finally able to make it happen!  While we were away for the weekend, Kent's amazing and thoughtful parents played with the kiddos...and I don't think the kids even missed us, because they were having so much fun!! :)

We stayed at The Westin Kierland Villas (thanks to my generous and amazing parents) and loved every second!  We ate way too much food, Kent went to the Barrett Jackson, I went to the Spa, we went golfing, and were able to see some of our wonderful friends!  We loved all of the quality time spent together and the kids "behaved" for Kent's, an all around terrific trip!! :)

Dinner at Nelly Cashman's (our favorite restaurant at the Resort)

Here are Kent's pictures from the Barrett-Jackson...

Kent & Aaron

Craig Jackson giving an interview

Kent & Aaron

 Kent & I at Dominic's Steakhouse

Golfing at the Resort...

Dinner at Mastro's Ocean Club

While we were away, the kids had a blast!!

 Playing outside with friends...

...and eating chocolate cookies in the car!! :)

Thank you, again, to Grandmommy and Pa Pa for taking such wonderful care of our kiddos and to Nana and Papa Sir for the room at the Timeshare Resort!  We are so blessed and grateful!!  We love Scottsdale and, already, can't wait to go back!!

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Montgomery's 1st Day at Spanish Schoolhouse!!

Montgomery had her 1st day at Spanish Schoolhouse on Wednesday, January 9th!  SSH opened a new location (near by) that allows 18 month old, kiddos to attend!  She will be going two days a weeks, for a few hours!  We are so excited for her to start learning Spanish and to start interacting with other babies her same age!  She is going to learn so much and do so well!! We love you Montgomery!! :)  

All dressed up (in her new, school uniform) and ready to go! 

She has a new, back pack, lunch box, water cup, nap map and more!!

Soooo happy and excited...

...and cute as can be!

Jackson & Kyle thought it was the coolest thing that Montgomery had to wear a 
similar uniform to them and were so excited that ME was also going to SSH!!

ME "flossing" at the end of the photo shoot because she was thrilled! Hahaha!  
The boys thought it was did I!! :)

The amazing Director of the School, emailed me these pictures of Montgomery during the day and said she had done just "perfect" all day!!  It was certainly a "proud, Mommy moment!" 

ME playing in "Los Centros"

Enjoying her lunch

Being the Line Leader

Reading a Book

This was her reaction to see us at pick-up!! :)

We LOVE SSH and all that it has to offer!  The teachers and school environment are the absolute best!  We are so excited to see Montgomery learn and grow every day!  We love you Montgomery!! 

...Hello 2019!!

So far in 2019, the year has brought us awesome, January weather and sweet memories! Here are just a few pictures of things that we have done so far...

Jackson & Kyle eating breakfast with "Periquito Azul" (the mascot from Spanish Schoolhouse)

Jackson riding his new skateboard with "Periquito Azul"

Shopping at Sam's with Montgomery

Night-time cuddles between Jackson & ME...

Sweet snuggles from Kyle

Superhero Day in the Neighborhood!

So far, so good 2019!  Can't wait to see what's next! :)