Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Labor Day Weekend!

This past weekend was Labor Day and we had our friends Keith and Rebekah and also, Stephanie and her two daughters, Kylie & Hallie come in town!  We had so much fun watching the kiddos play and also had a blast watching the Aggies win their 1st game of the season!!  What a fun weekend!!

 Jackson & Kylie

 Jackson, Yogi, and Kylie

Hugs for sweet friends!

Jackson, Hallie, and Kylie

Hallie, Kyle, Kylie, & Jackson

And this is what happens after everyone left...HAHAHA! :)

Of course, we didn't take any pictures of us adults, but next time for sure!!  Can't wait to get together again!! :)

Baby Kyle is 1 Month Old!

Time is already flying by!  Baby Kyle turned 1 month old on August 31st!!  Kyle LOVES to eat, sleep, and snuggle!  He loves being held by anyone and enjoys being rocked back and forth!  He loves taking baths and loves getting kisses from his big brother!

We love you sweet Kyle so so much!! :)

More recent pictures of Baby Kyle...

Mommy's 1st day back to work (feeding Kyle and holding Jackson)!  Haha!

Can't wait to see what the next month has in store! :)