School at SSH wrapped up at the very end of May, but they definitely packed the last few weeks full of awesome stuff!
Here are some pictures of the last few weeks of SSH:
Jackson and the Solar System
Jackson working on his letters
Kyle painting with his class
Kyle planting flowers with his class
Kyle playing with his classmates...
...and working on his letters too
Getting lined up for the SSH End-of-the-Year Program!!! Such a highlight every year!! :)
For Teacher Appreciation Week, another Mom and I were in charge of putting together the gifts for both of the boys' classes...
Here are some pictures of the gifts for the Costa Rica Teachers:
And for the Mexico Teachers:
We have the BEST teachers at SSH and were so glad to spoil them a little for the week!! :)
And on the last day, I got a little emotional when I put these side-by-sides together...both Kyle and Jackson seemed to get so big!!
And on the last day, I got a little emotional when I put these side-by-sides together...both Kyle and Jackson seemed to get so big!!
We LOVE Spanish Schoolhouse and all of the Teachers and Staff!! We are so grateful for everything you do for our kids!! We can't wait for Spanish Camp this summer and for next Fall!! :)