Sunday, January 15, 2017

Clark Christmas in San Antonio

On Christmas Day, we woke up and discovered that Santa had made a visit during the night!  He left the boys a tons of goodies and even wrote them a sweet little note, after he ate all of their cookies and drank all of the milk! :)

Santa's letter and the crumbs he left!

After we found all of Santa's gifts, we loaded up the cars and headed to San Antonio to celebrate Christmas with more Clark family!

We opened beautiful presents, enjoyed a delicious lunch, and were able to spend precious time with family we aren't able to see as often as we would like...such a special way to celebrate the birth of our Lord, Jesus Christ!!

Family Christmas Picture

Andreas, Matt, Camila, Carmen, David, and Isabella

Tom, CC, Kyle, Pop, Camille, Patrick, Michelle, and Kelly

Kyle LOVED CC's new car!

Jackson played with his "speedway" all day long!!

Opening more gifts...

Jackson and Nana

Hi Pop!

Hi Mom Mom!

Sweet Camille...we love her so!

Nana and Kyle

Kyle modeling the apron Camille made him!

Silly Jackson!

Jackson cruising down the street...

...Kyle and Daddy enjoying the show!! :)

Merry Christmas, once again, to our wonderful family!!  We are truly blessed to have so many and we love each and every one of y'all so very much!!