Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Christmas in Abilene (Part 2)

Christmas day started off with a visit from SANTA!!  I think it's safe to say that all the kiddoss did pretty well this year in the present department! Ha!!  The reaction on Jackson's face was priceless...I love this age!!  Can't wait for Baby Kyle to be "into" it too!!  

"Santa, Santa, Ho, Ho, Ho!!"

Jackson's "Big Truck!"

Pa Pa & Kyle

Kyle loving his new chair from Grandmommy & Pa Pa



Gifts galore! 

Sweet cousins doing a nativity puzzle!

Jackson taking Hadley for a ride in his new truck!!

Kyle & Kelly

Meghan & Kyle

Kate & Kyle

Kristen & Kyle

After all the FUN...this is what happened...

Ahhhh sleep!! :)

Thank you to everyone for making this such an amazing and special Christmas!!  We love you all!!  Can't wait to see everyone soon!!