Monday, June 30, 2014

9 Months Old!

On June 14th, Jackson turned 9 Months Old!!  Time is flying by!!  But, I guess that's because we are having so much fun! :)  At 9 Months Old, Jackson weighs 20 lbs. and is 28.5 inches long!  He is a growing boy and is loving is independence!  Jackson can pull up on everything and stand with very good balance!  He's starting to let go of the things he has pulled up on and has even taken a few steps by himself!  He is a very persistent (or at times stubborn) little boy…if he sees something he wants, he doesn't let anything get in his way; he keeps trying and trying until he is successful!  Not sure who he gets that from…haha!!  He is trying new foods and is starting to like different flavors and textures!  He loves to "drum" on everything and clap his toys together to make loud noises!  He says "Dada" all the time, but we are working on saying "Mama!"  He is still the happiest and sweetest boy I know!!  We love you sooo much Jackson…thank you for bringing so much joy to our lives!! :)       

Can't wait to see what's next!! :)