School Costume Parade...Montgomery as Minnie Mouse
Some of the Dallas Cowboy Dance Team Members showed up...
Kyle as the Red Power Ranger
Jackson as a Texas A&M Baseball Player
Kent and the Kiddos
Montgomery and her teacher, Miss Nicole
Enjoying the Halloween goodies!!
Kyle scored 1 goal during his game and...
...Jackson scored 3!
We LOVE watching our boys play soccer!!
Our dear, sweet friends Cody & Deanna Swope (who we haven't seen in probably 6+ years) stopped by for a visit with their precious kids!!
Cody, Deanna, Kent, and I
Stella, Jackson, Kyle, Montgomery, & Grayson
BOYS! :)
And then...Jackson and Kyle went to a Birthday Party...
And then on Sunday afternoon, I threw a little R+F Party for our new neighbors...
...while Kent took the kids to the Park! :)
It was a fun-filled and exhausting weekend FOR SURE!! But we wouldn't have it any other way!! :)