Montgomery had her 1st day at Spanish Schoolhouse on Wednesday, January 9th! SSH opened a new location (near by) that allows 18 month old, kiddos to attend! She will be going two days a weeks, for a few hours! We are so excited for her to start learning Spanish and to start interacting with other babies her same age! She is going to learn so much and do so well!! We love you Montgomery!! :)
All dressed up (in her new, school uniform) and ready to go!
She has a new, back pack, lunch box, water cup, nap map and more!!
Soooo happy and excited...
...and cute as can be!
Jackson & Kyle thought it was the coolest thing that Montgomery had to wear a
similar uniform to them and were so excited that ME was also going to SSH!!
ME "flossing" at the end of the photo shoot because she was thrilled! Hahaha!
The boys thought it was did I!! :)
The amazing Director of the School, emailed me these pictures of Montgomery during the day and said she had done just "perfect" all day!! It was certainly a "proud, Mommy moment!"
ME playing in "Los Centros"
Enjoying her lunch
Being the Line Leader
Reading a Book
This was her reaction to see us at pick-up!! :)
We LOVE SSH and all that it has to offer! The teachers and school environment are the absolute best! We are so excited to see Montgomery learn and grow every day! We love you Montgomery!!